What motivated you to plant your church in the city that you are in?
View Church Tygerberg Hills is one of the four churches within the View Church family. Two decades ago, our View Church founding Pastor, Graham Evans, felt that God wanted a church in the Tygerberg area; however, the ‘how, when and who’ was not clear. In 2016 God spoke to Dino clearly about the Tygerberg area (unaware that God had spoken to our senior leadership two decades earlier) and when he shared this with Graham, we knew it was the confirmation of the ‘who’ and we set about partnering with ARC Southern Africa to work on the ‘how’ and ‘when’.

What do you love about your church and community?
We can honestly say that at View Church Tygerberg Hills, we are Better Together. The family atmosphere and excitement to see God grow His church is tangible throughout our teams and services. We feel so blessed to have people who are genuinely so passionate about others, love God and have so much FUN working hard for His kingdom. We sincerely pray that the joy present in our church would only grow as we do.

What has been one of your greatest moments since planting your church?
Our second birthday was certainly a highlight for us in our church journey. On Sunday 23rd February 2020 we went to TWO services. Our entire church mobilised to invite, get ready, grow teams, multiply groups not just for the Sunday celebration, but also for the growth that would come from having two services. A second highlight we would like to mention is the generosity of our church. During this COVID-19 Season, our church has given more than EVER before! It has been such a privilege seeing people live out their relationship with Jesus by looking for opportunities to care for the community in a time where connection has been difficult.

What has been one of the toughest moments you’ve experienced in ministry?
When we started the church we felt that God spoke to us from Exodus 18. In this chapter, Moses is learning about how to bear the weight of leadership, so that the people that he leads can be healthy and not dependant on him alone. Our toughest experiences were in the beginning when the group of people who could bear the weight of the ministry was smaller. As the church has become older, the group of leaders who could help bear the weight of leadership has grown – and we keep trusting that it would grow even more!

What is the biggest change you’ve seen in yourself or your church since planting?
We had always considered ourselves as people who welcomed help and advice; however, we realised that we needed so much more of it! To truly steward our church well and serve the people that God has given us, we both really needed to get help, advice and mentorship in many areas of our lives. To grow as a church leader has required each of us to grow in character as individuals.

What do you want to share with someone thinking about becoming a church planter?
1. Do everything that you can to make sure that you are getting onto God’s page, and you are not trying to get Him onto yours.||2. Obstacles are all part of the growth process of growing leaders. If you hit an obstacle, keep going! The result will be growth in you and/or the people you lead – and growth leads to growth.||3. Be intentional about making friends in ministry and finding mentors! Planting a church will be very lonely if you do it alone.||4. Do not let fear or intimidation of what others are achieving stop you from reaching out and making friends! Some of the best input we have received has been from people from other denominations who do things so differently to us.

How has being a part of ARC impacted your life + ministry?
As a young couple in ministry, we have really loved the friendship and community that we have found through ARC. We have found ourselves in a place where we have genuine, authentic friendships with other people in ministry. We have enjoyed (and at many times needed) the strength that relationship with others brings, as well as having the chance to help others who are on the journey too!